Thursday, January 15, 2009

Out of Touch

This week was astounding. On Monday, Canada shot itself into the very exclusive club of countries on the UN Human Rights Council opposed to peace on the Gaza Strip. It's so exclusive in fact, that Canada is the ONLY member. Canada was the only country to vote against the resolution to urge Israel to stop the bombing and to go back to the agreed ceasefire of last fall. You can read all about it here.

Even India, terrorized by radical Islamists in the Mumbai bombings, thought it was a significant move to support the resolution.

I think this is a continued signal from the Harper Conservatives that he wants to continue the failed policies of Geirge W Bush. Are they that out of touch with the majority of Canadians??


Anonymous said...

I am curious, what would happen if Hamas decided that Isreal had a right to exist in peace? Would you feel differently if rockets were fired from Seattle at your neighborhood on a daily basis? Isreal launched a very heavy retaliation, but the likely result will be a long calm in the region, have we seen much happen in Lebanon (quick answer is not since Isreal attacked Hezbollah). Any group that intentionally targets another country is responsible for the response. War is sad, but I have also read numerous opinions expressed by Palestinians (a misnomer in itself but I digress) to the effect that Hamas should not launch rockets till they can hit Tel Aviv with rockets big enough to destroy a building, in other words, they have no problem deliberately killing Isrealis, they just prefer not to get hit in return. Perhaps they should stop and leave Isreal alone for 2 years and see what happens, no rockets, no attackes, no planning suicide bombings, just try to live in peace (oh and stop teaching kids to hate Jews in school, that would help too).

Anonymous said...

Wow Shel...interesting stuff you have here. Neat to read.Good for you for expressing your thoughts and opinions. Hope you are well and have a great day! Jewel